June 3rd, 2018. Yes, I remember the day correctly. I locked myself in the common room to check my entrance examination result. I switched on my laptop and connected to the internet, opened the website and entered my registration number. My heartbeat was at its peak and I was constantly feeling heavy, sending vibes to the Universe for the good news I was working hard for. Finally, the display screen was right in front of my eyes and I couldn't be happier anymore. I made it.
My mom and dad were waiting outside of my room with scared faces. Dad asked, “हो गया क्या?” (Have you qualified?) and I just hugged him saying “Yes, My dream college and dream branch”. My mom broke into tears and my dad hugged me tightly. It was a wave of happiness all around my house.
June 4th, 2018: My mom asked, कब जाना है? (When will you have to go?). Then I realized, I have to leave my home. It will be a new life and lots of responsibilities. I never had a chance to live alone and now my support system will not be with me. It was a mixed feeling.
Learning 1
July 1st, 2018: I deboarded at Mumbai, and took an auto to my college. I was so happy and excited to be nested in the campus for the next 4 years. I reached the college and showed my call letter to the guard. The dream was right in front of my eyes. I quickly ran to the notice board and checked my allocated Hostel and room number. I was allocated a room along with another guy from Mechanical. I was sad and confused thinking about what my journey will look like.
Credits: DNA India
July 1st 2018: I reached my room and my roommate was not there yet. I quickly started looking at every corner of the room, scanned the wardrobe and checked the comfort of both the chairs. Took the one which was more comfortable and neat(Yeah, this is what a middle class child does, choose the best from the options), as the other one had a loose spring which makes the sound of the chair echo while you sit. But I decided to inform my roommate about it, as he will be the one using it (Fortunately). Switched on the fan and tube. Opened and closed the tap of the washroom. The bed was small, actually very small. But this is what I have to live with.
Credits: Erik Mclean
Now you tell me, How have I applied the learnings from my parents?
I quickly started looking at every corner of the room, scanned the wardrobe and checked the comfort of both the chairs. - Spotting the little details (सब कुछ ठीक से चेक़ कर लो)
Took the one which was more comfortable and neat, as the other one had a loose spring which makes the sound of the chair echo while you sit. - Help yourself first (अपनी अपनी देख लो)
But I decided to inform my roommate about it and get it replaced as he will be the one using it. - Empathy (वो भी अपना भाई है)
Switched on the fan and tube. Opened the tap of the washroom. - Emergency notes to always keep in mind (बत्ती पानी और पंखा)
The bed was small, actually very small. But this is what I have to live with. - Adjustment. (चला लेंगे)
Learning 2:
The room knocked and there he was, Sarthak. He put the stuff off his back and said hello to me. I waved back with a welcoming smile. He asked me basic questions about the branch, the place I belong to and the class timings. Soon then we headed to the mess for food.
After having food, I was sure “हर दिन नही हो पायेगा” (Can’t have this everyday), I unpacked my stuff, Made my bed and arranged my clothes along with the documents in the Almirah given. Mom had packed the Besan ka ladoo (बेसन के लड्डू)and some dry snacks. I stored them for my midnight cravings. I silently placed my heater below my bed. I know this is not allowed, but you can't set aside food cravings just like that(सही तो नही है, पर पापी पेट के लिए कुछ भी करेगा )so that I can make Maggie and prepare some soups when I feel like munching.
The hostel food. Credits: Ekta Gupta
The very next morning, I woke up, made my bed, went to bath, washed my clothes, put them to dry, dressed up for the class and reached the classroom 6 minutes before the time.
The college fee and hostel fee were paid already so an amount of 5000 would suffice for my pocket money. Please note that 5000 is the cost of my stationery, Internet, Phone bills, and emergency funds.
Days were going well and I was enjoying my college life. I made a good friend circle and have enrolled in various new hobbies. The only sad part was the food. My friends have got this issue sorted for themselves by relying on Zomato. But since I am from the middle class I never had enough money to always go out or order food online. And just because I want to eat good and fancy food, I never want to trouble my dad by increasing my pocket money from 5000 to 10000. I know that they are already giving me enough and I have to come out with flying colors(I learned this from my dad, as my grandfather was a farmer and my dad studied by taking tuitions) Although the hostel had a common mess already in place. Sometimes when I felt homesick, I used to prepare quick dal chawal and other easy recipes that my mom taught me to fulfill my craving for good food.
Credits: TVF
The four months went nicely and 11th October was the date from when our final examination for semester 1 was planned. I checked my performance post preparing for the examination:
Attendance - 72%
Assignments: All done
Sports competition: Done and Dusted
Tech fest- Participated.
Local trip: Enjoyed and captured tons of pictures.
Middle sem results: 92%
Credits: Feepik
I know I have just some solid revisions to pay attention to. My friends have scheduled a group study for a week but I will finish my course and revision so that It will come all planned.
Must be wondering what are the learnings here, correct?
The very next morning, I woke up, made my bed - Making your own bed is very important. This is the first task that you should be doing.
Read more insight about the small habit of making your own bed which can change your perceptions towards life” Make your bed”
went to bath, washed my clothes, dried them off in the corridor along with my towel, dressed up - Personal Hygiene
reached the classroom 6 minutes before the time. - Punctual
Please note that 5000 is the cost of my stationery, Internet, Phone bills, and emergency funds.
Learning: Managing, Adapting and Planning
And just because I want to eat good and fancy food I never want to trouble my parents for increasing my pocket money - Appreciation and Empathy
I use to prepare quick dal chawal and other easy recipes that my mom taught - Self - Independence
Attendance - 72% - A healthy mixture of attentiveness and Fun
Assignments: All done - Doing what’s necessary
Sports competition: Done and Dusted - Active in Extracurricular
Tech fest- Participated. - Innovative participation
Local trip: Enjoyed and captured tons of pictures. - Keeping the wander bug activated
Middle sem results: 92% - Smartly manage my schedule that copes up with my grade. Of course, studying is my top priority.
I kept doing the same schedule for the rest of my semester and this helped me in being more manageable, polite, sorted, consistent and persistent.
Today, I have secured a good package in an MNC and will soon be improving my family's financial status.
Credits: IndiaGlitz
I know Ma and Papa, you would be proud, when you will read the small details and big learnings. You taught, I incorporated.
Let your teen learn from my experience. Make them read this piece of article. Moving away from home and parents is not a piece of cake, it is a life-changing experience, trust me.
Teenagers miss their parents so much when they step outside. You know the feeling of getting comfortable with the new shoes? Doesn’t matter how expensive the shoe is, it will give you some bites. Then after certain days of wearing it, you start feeling comfortable. You just have to make sure that you are wearing the right one. Similar story goes with life, any new turn will give you discomfort but you have to make sure you choose a path with the right approach.
Wish you a thoughtful and organized transition