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12-year-old Naisha has decided to start her own business helping other kids get organised and learn

Writer's picture: Sachin KapoorSachin Kapoor

Naisha is a 12-year-old girl who has decided to start her own business. She is part of the new generation of enterprising young people who will create jobs instead of searching for them.

Naisha does not plan on seeking employment soon but instead wants to help other kids get organised and learn life skills such as budgeting, saving money, being responsible for their actions and learning from mistakes. This is an example of how she is creating jobs for herself through entrepreneurship education!

Technology is rapidly changing the future of work and nothing is certain anymore.

Technology is rapidly changing the future of work and nothing is certain anymore. Technology has become a part of our lives. You cannot escape it. It’s everywhere!

Technology has changed the way we communicate with each other, learn new skills and knowledge, play games, shop online and travel by car or train without leaving home because it makes life easier for us in every aspect of our lives.

There are a lot of unknowns but parents can help their children prepare to be work-ready

As a parent, you may feel like there are many unknowns but you can help your child prepare for the future by helping them develop a growth mindset and skills that are highly valued in the future of work.

It's important for parents to help their children develop a growth mindset because this will help them be more prepared for what comes next.

This means that every child needs to develop their own learning mindset and become lifelong learners who are willing and able to learn new things throughout their lives

Learning how to learn is a skill that every child should develop. It’s important for children to be able to not just understand, but also apply what they are learning in their lives. This means that every child needs to develop their own learning mindset and become lifelong learners who are willing and able to learn new things throughout their lives.

It’s also important for parents and teachers alike to teach students how they can improve themselves by asking questions of themselves, others and the world around them – this will help them think more critically which will lead them on a path towards success both personally as well as professionally!

Be curious, be creative, be critical, be collaborative, and be caring. These skills will be highly valued in the future of work.

Be curious, be creative, be critical, be collaborative and caring. These skills will be highly valued in the future of work.

Curiosity = learning new things

Creativity = solving problems

Critical thinking = evaluating information (and finding faults)

Collaboration = working with others to get something done

Explore the data on the future of work together with your child

Data is available from a variety of sources, and it can help your child make decisions about their future. Data can also be used to help you understand how the world is changing.

  • If you're interested in data as an educator, there are many resources available online that will help you get started with this type of learning activity. Here are some examples:

  • *From MicroMasters: How To Use Data In The Classroom –

  • *How To Teach Using Data In The Classroom – https://bloggingeducationbloggerstalkershowiingedu/?p=2865

The role of schools and teachers will also change, shifting from knowledge experts to learning guides.

You are the face of your generation: the person who will be the most influential, admired and respected in all of history.

You’re a teenager now and you want to make a difference in the world. You want to leave an imprint on society just like your parents did. But how do you do that? How can you change things for the better when so many powerful forces are working against your success? That’s where this book comes in!

Every child deserves the opportunity for an education that equips them for an increasingly automated, uncertain and technology-driven world.

As the world changes, so must our education system. Every child deserves an opportunity for an education that equips them for an increasingly automated, uncertain and technology-driven world.

In this era of change, parents need to think about upskilling themselves to help their teenagers secure jobs in the future

Technology offers us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make education more personalized, student centred and relevant to the fast changing world we live in.

Technology offers us a once in a generation opportunity to make education more personalized, student centred and relevant to the fast changing world we live in.

The internet has changed the way we learn and teach. It's allowing teachers to reach students in ways that were previously unimaginable - even at my school where technology was never used until recently. Technology is also changing how we work, as well as how we get paid for our work (and even how we're evaluated).

We need enterprising teenagers who have a growth mindset and believe they can succeed in an interconnected world!

In order to be successful, it is important that you have a growth mindset. A growth mindset means that you believe your skills and abilities can improve over time. When people with this attitude are given challenges, they tend to rise up to them naturally and with confidence, rather than fearing failure or putting up barriers because of past experiences. They are also willing to take risks in order for them to succeed despite their fears of failure or other challenges along the way. This is why we need enterprising teenagers who have a growth mindset and believe they can succeed in an interconnected world!

Parents need to think about upskilling themselves to help their teenagers secure jobs in the future.

The first step in helping your teenager achieve his or her goals is to empower them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. You can do this by helping them upskill themselves, which will equip them with the right tools for the future.

Here are some tips on how parents can help their children:

  • Understand what's happening in the world of work today, and make sure your child has access to information that enables him or her to stay ahead of tech changes or adapt quickly if necessary (for instance, by learning coding). If possible, find out what kind of jobs are available locally that are relevant for their needs—and consider enrolling them in high school classes related specifically towards those fields so they have an edge when it comes time for college admissions decisions!


We need enterprising teenagers who have a growth mindset and believe they can succeed in an interconnected world! We are talking about your children’s future. You may be surprised at how much you can prepare them for this new world by giving them access to technology, information and opportunities for learning.


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